Oxford Properties
Never a dull day
I was asked to do a mock-up of an outdoor ad and floor plan of the general grounds to be used as a pitch to get Capital One as a tenant in the building. The floor plan required extreme detail to properly reflect the layout. I took the existing blueprint, recreated it in Illustrator and with more dimension.
Print Advertising

One University pitch
Located in Calgary, Alberta, Oxford properties wanted to give tenants a progress update on the revitalization of the building. I was only given a list of the upgrades that were completed. I opted to use a grid style layout with big bold images to showcase different facets of the building, which created more visual interest to accompany the bullet points. After sketching an array of different grid arrangements, I chose a winner that had the right balance.
Bow Valley Square Spec Sheet
Located in Calgary, Alberta, Oxford properties wanted to inform tenants of the progress of the revitalization of the building. I was only given a list of the upgrades that were completed. I opted to use a grid style layout with big bold images to showcase different facets of the building, this created more visual interest to accompany the bullet points. After creating a few sketches of different grid arrangements, I choose a winner that had the right balance.
Elevator instructional video
Morning congestion at the RBC Tower elevators (a property managed by Oxford) was becoming a nightmare. There was constant overcrowding despite the multiple elevators in the vicinity. Also, instead of selecting their destination floor themselves while in the elevators, people were expecting others to do it for them. I developed a short animated video on how to use the cab elevator system. The video was aired in the elevator hall on a digital signage display which was the focal point for that area. Gradually, people started to use the elevators properly and there was a remarkable reduction in the flow of traffic to the area.